Writing The 2023 PopCult Gift Guide and working on other top-secret projects has caught up with your PopCulteer, so Tuesday on The AIR your blogger and radio show host slacks off during this holiday week and delivers special encore presentation (that means a rerun from 2021) of a holiday patchwork edition of Radio Free Charleston. I’ll explain below, but to listen to the warmed-up treats we have, you simply have to point your cursor over and tune in at the website, or you could just stay on this page, and listen to the cool embedded player over at the top of the right column.
At 10 AM and 10 PM you can hear a compliation special that combines the 2019 Radio Free Charleston International Thanksgiving Special, which is 90 minutes of yours truly and his lovely wife, Mel Larch, playing music and joking around…and then the rest of this show contains the 2019 Paul And Spike’s Too Grumpy Critics Thanksgiving Special, which is half an hour of holiday humor, and the final hour of this show is The Relax Radio Show, created and hosted by George Daughtery, the beloved and much-missed, Earl of Elkview.
Now, this doesn’t mean you won’t get any new RFC this week. On Friday, several times through the day, we will premiere The 2023 Radio Free Charleston Christmas Extravaganza, hosted by yours truly and his lovely wife, Mel Larch. This show will open with a huge surprise that will thrill and delight Charleston music fans
That one-hour show premieres Friday, and then will be incorporated into RFC V5 154 the following week. We also plan to wear this thing out over the next month or so.
But before that, we have another holiday to get out of the way.
Check out the playlist for the first 90 minutes of the show…
The Aquabats “Showtime”
The Blues Brothers “Sweet Home Chicago”
Book of Mormon “Making Things Up Again”
The Beatles “Free As A Bird”
Kate Bush “All We Ever Look For”
The Beautiful South “From Under The Covers”
The Bad Shepherds “Making Room For Nigel”
DEVO “Huboon Stomp”
The Aquabats “Playdough (Live)”
Mike Batt/Roger Daltry “The Pig Must Die”
Cherry Poppin’ Daddies “Yankee Pride”
Andy Partridge/Robyn Hitchcock “Planet England”
Andrea True Connection “More More More”
Cats “Invitation To The Jellicle Ball”
YES “Don’t Kill The Whales”
The Tubes “White Punks On Dope”
MST3K “Gamera Song”
This is followed by Paul and Spike’sToo Grumpy Critics Thanksgiving Special and The Relax Radio Show, a one-hour program created by The Earl and his friend, Buddy Griffith.
This special will air in the regular RFC timeslots this week, and then Friday check PopCult for the air times for The 2023 Radio Free Charleston Christmas Extravaganza.
You can hear this week’s special episode of Radio Free Charleston Tuesday at 10 AM and 10 PM on The AIR, with replays Thursday at 3 PM, Friday at 9 AM, Saturday at Noon and Midnight, and next Monday at 11 AM, exclusively on The AIR. Now you can hear a different episode of RFC every weekday at 5 PM, and we bring you a marathon all night long Saturday night/Sunday morning.
I’m also going to embed a low-fi, mono version of this show right in this post, right here so you can listen on demand.
After RFC, stick around for encores of MIRRORBALL at 1 PM, and Curtain Call at 2 PM. At 3 PM we have two recent episodes of The Swing Shift.
The 2023 PopCult Gift Guide returns later Tuesday, with Beatles Books.
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