Daniel, My Brother from Daniel Roebuck on Vimeo.
I have to admit to slacking off a bit. I’ve run this video twice before in this spot, back in 2015 and 2021 (on Super Bowl Sunday both times). It’s a video about the really cool collection of Daniel Roebuck. I’m running it again because I’m on my way back from WonderFest USA (photos and video next week), and Daniel was a guest. He was actually the replacement guest when Joe Dante had to bow out.
Daniel and I have been online friends for a couple of decades through various Captain Action and monster toy email groups and Facebook groups, and with any luck, by the time you read this I got to meet him in person and chat a bit. If his name seems familiar, there’s a reason. It’s always cool to meet folks in real life when you’ve known them online for years.
Daniel Roebuck is a big-time Hollywood actor who’s been in everything from Lost To The Grumpy Cat Movie, and he also played Jay Leno in the HBO Movie The Late Shift. He’s been in The Walking Dead webisodes, episodes of CSI and Weeds and in the movies The Devil’s Rejects and John Dies At The End, among dozens of other movie and television roles. He was Grandpa Munster in Rob Zombie’s take on the beloved scary sitcom, and I think he may be in every movie Zombie directed.
He’s also a hell of a nice guy and a collector of really cool toys and monster movie memorabilia, and in this short and very funny film (which you can see above) we get to see a tiny part of his epic collection. Keep your eyes peeled for quick shots of GI Joe, Captain Action, Captain Lazer and way more cool things.
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