It’s a new year, and I still have tons of broken video links and things of the sort to restore to PopCult, so this week we’re going back nine years to a video that has been MIA from this blog for a very long time.

Based in Asheville NC, Grounded is André Cholmondeley, guitar & Brett Spivey, bass. They also both use looping, synths, samplers and the like. Usually a duo, they also play live as a trio with drummer James Wilson, or collaborate in mash-ups with groups like Balloon Animal Farm. Their main focus is instrumental, experimental music ranging from ambient to full on noise & chaos. Elements of world music, electronica, musique concrete, rock & performance art can be found in their work. Judging from their Facebook page, they seem to be dormant since 2014.

“Its Everything Except What It Is! (Improv 01)” was recorded January 6, 2013, shortly after midnight, at The Empty Glass in Charleston, WV. This was part of “Dr. Curmudgeon, Grounded, and Trielement’s Night of Instrumental Music” event at The Empty Glass that was the basis for episode 178 of Radio Free Charleston.

The soundboard mix was by James Vernon Brown. Camera by Melanie Larch and Rudy Panucci. Editing by Rudy Panucci, with computer graphics by Frank Panucci.

An excerpt of this performance is included in episode 178 of Radio Free Charleston.