Since we are in the last few days of The Radio Free Charleston Spring Break Marathon on The AIR (check out the posts surrounding this one in the blog), I decided to bring you, once again, the first video episode of Radio Free Charleston from June, 2006.

RFC began life as a broadcast radio show in 1989 and 1990. Office politics killed the show, and a conservative radio industry kept me from bringing it back for years. Finally with massive help from Brian Young and Douglas Imbrogno, the show was revived as a video program. Now we’re back on radio…internet radio, but it’s cool that RFC has been back from limbo now for almost as long as it was gone in the first place. Whether it’s video, The MINI SHOW or as the flagship program of The AIR, Radio Free Charleston has been a constant presence in Charleston since 2006.

Check out music from Whistlepunk, animation from my brother Frank, and comedy from The No Pants Players, as you watch the show that elicited the reaction, “What in the holy hell was that?” from the senior editorial staff at The Charleston Gazette.