This week our video find is a terrific video show that somehow managed to escape my notice when it was released about eleven months ago. I’ve barely been on social media for the last year, trying to avoid obnoxious and ignorant anti-Biden trolls after January 6, and sadly missed this cool video featuring one of my favorite Charleston bands. Now that I found it, I’m sharing it with you!

Unmanned is Andrea Anderson, Misty Lomas and Katie Barker, and I’ve played every track on their self-titled debut album on Radio Free Charleston on The AIR, but I since I’m semi-retired from shooting video, I have yet to capture this all-girl band for the RFC video show (although all three members have been on the video show in other bands).

Here, we find the band jamming some upbeat, twangy, rockabilly surf punk with harmonies and attitude in the press room of the Ironton Tribune. This is really cool, with the press room setting. I remember back when Charleston had a newspaper that supported the idea of shooting video of local bands (sigh).

Anyway, the band is playing out again.  Just last night they played at The Loud in Huntington. I’ll try to keep you posted on their next gigs, and I’ll probably toss a couple of their tunes into RFC next Tuesday.