joelanta-logo-2017Big Surprise, right? You know I’ve been talking about JoeLanta and The Great Atlanta Toy Convention for days already, and promise to continue doing so for the next week or more, so it shouldn’t come as any shock that I’m going to bring you some of the videos that I’ve made in previous years.

Right now, in descending order, we’re going to bring you the wrap-up shows for 2016, 2015, 2014 and 2013, with our most recent clip up at the top of this post. This video not only shows you how cool the show was last year, but it also has the dates of this year’s show and plugs the Cody Lane Memorial Toy and Diorama Museum exhibit in Stone Mountain. You’ll hear more about that later this week. Also, you’ll get to hear me mispronounce the word “diorama” all through the video. It’s a bad habit I picked up from a college professor and never quite shook.

These are your videos today. More are coming as we continue our countdown to JoeLanta and The Great Atlanta Toy Convention.