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Are you ready for more Radio Free Charleston goodies to help you get through this weekend’s snow-induced home confinement? At the top of this post you’ll find episode 49 of our humble little show. After the jump you can treat yourself to episodes 51, 52 and 53.  Click the numbers for the original production notes.  We posted our big fiftieth episode last week.

In this batch of shows you’ll find music by The ButtonFlies, The Hellblinki Sextet, Under The Radar, Brain Trauma, The Underdog Blues Revue, Jonathan Glen Wood, Civil State, Ten Carp Lie, Corporate Orange and more. You’ll also be treated to Kitty Killton, Fingerman, two trailers for “Jack The Ripper,” the Charleston Speed Run and animation from Frank Panucci.

If all goes well, we will have one more collectikon of classic episodes of our show later today. Check back–it’s not like you have anything else to do in this abysmal weather.

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