Tonight it’s time to repeat an annual tradition and to do so we’re going to get into the spirit of the season and re-present our classic Halloween shows. If this all seems familiar, it’s probably because we find some way to do this every year.

This week we’ll look at the Halloween specials from our first seven years. You will see classic RFC performances by Clownhole, Whistlepunk, half the Pistol Whippers, Lil’ Guy from South Park Enteprises, Big Money, Go Van Gogh, Under The Radar, and more, plus all sorts of scary animation and guest appearances. Next week we’ll probably bring you even more RFC Halloween Madness, including what many people consider our finest show.


Our first two-parter, now combined into one show. See Rudy Panucci get killed and resurrected as a ghost.


Recorded at a Halloween Party at Capitol Roasters (RIP). Music from Big Money and Lil’ Guy.

2008 saw elaborate host segments as we presented a two-parter called “Radio Free Charleston Horror Theater:

We had so much fun that, for April Fool’s Day 2009, we did Part Three!

We continue our look back at Radio Free Charleston’s Halloween shows with our 2009 episode, considered by many to be our best episode with tons of guests ranging from The No Pants Players to Mark Wolfe, and music by Unknown Hinson and Flare Baroshi, among others.


In 2010 we brought you an extended preview of my still-unfinished Zombie-Noir epic, “Jazz From Hell.”

RFC 113 "Jazz From Hell Preview" from Rudy Panucci on Vimeo.


In 2011, we didn’t do a Halloween show, and for the life of me, I can’t remember why. However, we did post video of the second HallowEast Zombie Walk, so there’s that. We made up for it the next year with a bonus “Best of Halloween” show that we’re including here.

“Best of Halloween”

Next week we’ll bring you up to date, while we bemoan the fact that there won’t be an RFC Halloween show this year.