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Our Sunday Evening Videos this week feature happy couples as our musical guests. Above you see episode 63, “Bauhaus Shirt,” which was shot at the then-house of happy couple #1, Sean Richardson and Karen Allen, also known as Tofujitsu. This was the week after I featured the band on the show, but introduced the wrong song. They’re seen here performing “Clap On, Clap Off.” You’ll also see Stephen Beckner, and a band featuring another happy couple, The ButtonFlies. An added bonus, Super Bowl runner-up punter, Pat McAfee shows up to endorse RFC.
After the jump, you’ll get to see episode 60 featuring Captain Crash and The Beauty Queen (Jonathan Slack and Laura Summerhill), and episode 65, featuring Barebones, a group which includes Rebecca and Bill Kimmons. Click on the episode numbers for the original production notes. Episode 60 was our Valentine to Taylor Books, and also includes Joseph Henry (Hale) and John Radcliff. Episode 65 includes the short film “Footlucy” starring the late Joe McComas.
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The duet was sweet.