Super Patriotic Heroes
by Will Eisner, Alex Schomburg, Charles Sultan, Richard Hughes, Craig Yoe (Editor)
Yoe Books
ISBN-13: 978-1684051793
$34.99 (heavily discounted at Amazon)
Our next pick in The 2018 PopCult Gift Guide is yet another terrific historical collection edited by Craig Yoe. Super Patriotic Heroes is the ideal gift for the fan of Golden Age comic books on your holiday shopping list, and will also be of interest to WWII buffs and students of the comic form.
During World War II, a legion of star-spangled, flag-draped superheroes fought to defeat the forces of evil. Rediscover them now, when we need them most! This book paints a compelling history and presents the exciting, full comic book stories. Let these stories take you back to the days when punching a Nazi was considered a good thing.
Starting with The Shield and followed by Captain America, a whole battalion of red, white, and blue heroes appeared on the four-color page to help fight the Nazis. We need those superheroes again to battle for truth, justice, and the American Way! An historical essay sets the scene for these adventures of All-American Heroes, and lets you jump into action alongside our four-color patriotic forces.
These full-color comic stories from World War II tell of true role-models of the patriotic ideal. Their fascinating history and their stirring tales will both entertain and inspire new generations! See the two-fisted, three-colored Miss America, The Fighting Yank, Super-American, U.S. Jones, Captain Freedom, Lady Liberty, Major Victory, American Eagle, Captain Victory, and many more!
Proudly presented are action-packed stories from America’s Best Comics, Fight Comics, Our Flag, National Comics, and a battleship full of other explosive comic books of the Golden Age!
You should be able to order Super Patriotic Heroes from any bookseller by using the ISBN code, or save a few bucks and get it from Amazon.
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