cemetery-plots-cover-2aCemetary Plots is a really fun horror anthology, published independently of Diamond Comics Distributors and as such, is delightfully free of corporate interference. There are two issues available directly from the publisher, and they make great stocking stuffers for the horror/fantasy/sci-fi fan on your holiday shopping list.

This twenty-eight page comic book has color covers and black and white interiors and manages to combine the tradition of classic EC Horror Comics with the energy and enthusiasm of the underground comics of the 1970’s.

Both issues feature a horror host, “D.O.Mann” who introduces the stories from his home in River Shore Cemetary. The book follows the tried and true formula of presenting short, clever horror/science fiction stories and fans of the genre will find plenty to enjoy here. This book is simply loads of fun. It’s a high energy throwback to the classic horror anthology format, which is seeing a major resurgence of late, outside of the influence of the traditional comic shop system.

giftguide-graphic-smallYou can order Cemetary Plots #2 directly from Empire Comics Lab, where you can also find other cool publications and online comics from this talented crew. This is the perfect low-cost gift for the person on your Christmas list who who wishes it was Halloween every day.