If you think that headline is just a fancy way of saying we’re in reruns today on The AIR…well, you’d be correct.
You can listen to The AIR at the website, or on this embedded radio player…
See, just as Tony Bennet famously left his heart in San Francisco, your humble PopCulteer and radio host left his voice in Chicago. On top of that, Steven Allen Adams, the host of NOISE BRIGADE, is otherwise occupied this week with his regular job reporting on the marauding hoard of hooligans who infest the State Capitol Building every year around this time.
However, to make up for the lack of new programming today (and quite probably for the whole week), we are going to resort to a programming stunt. Tuesday you can hear encore episodes of Radio Free Charleston from 7 AM to 2 PM, and again from 10 PM to 7 AM Wednesday. From 2 PM to 10 PM, you can tune in for a marathon of NOISE BRIGADE, as we bring you every episode of the ska/punk showcase that we’ve brought you on The AIR.
Wednesday, don’t be shocked if we bring you some kind of marathon of Curtain Call, as that show’s host, Mel Larch, is neck-deep in tech week for a production of Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus, which I am fairly well certain that I will be telling you all about later today or tomorrow.
So tune in and enjoy our past glories as your PopCulteer dutifully takes his Z Pack and tries to recover. I’ll be telling you all about my lightning-round trip to Chicago last week, since I can do that by typing.
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