This week we head back to April, 2008, for “IWA East Coast Shirt,” the forty-first video edition of Radio Free Charleston. This music-packed show featured A Place Of Solace, Holden Caulfield, and from Nashville, special guests The Coal Men, who crashed at Stately Radio Free Charleston Manor one night after performing at The Empty Glass.

We also had an announcement from The Concept, and a short burst of animation from my brother Frank.  I hosted from Davis Park, using a real microphone for the first time on the show. It made a difference, and that ten-dollar mic that I bought at Sun Electronics back in the early 1990s is still part of the RFC production arsenal.

I’m not sure about The Coal Men, but every other group on this show, and Sun Electronics too, have either broken up or fallen off the face of the Earth.  Read the original production notes HERE.