For the first RFC Flashback of the new year, we travel once again to February, 2009 for Radio Free Charleston‘s sixty-first episode, “SHINDIG Shirt.” In this episode, we feature three triumphant returns from musical acts who got their start in the Charleston area, then moved away, before the draw of their hometown brought them back for return engagements.

Our musical guests are John Radcliff (on his second show in a row), back in town for a visit after moving to Parkersburg; SHINDIG, direct from Louisville: plus a special treat from the RFC archives: Brian Diller performing at the Empty Glass in the early 1990s, shortly after he moved to Nashville. This is purely a coincidence of perfect timing, since we just featured Brian on the latest episode of RFC six days ago, but rather than being part of an elaborate plan, we just happened to pull up this episode while going in chronological order.

But it does give us the chance to remind you that Brian is at The Bridge Road Bistro tonight. See the graphic for it over there?

We filmed this episode in 3D, by the way. It’s one of my favorite gags in the entire run of the show.

We also have animation from Frank Panucci, and a message from author, Brian J. Hatcher.  Read the original production notes here.