From March, 2009, Radio Free Charleston 63 is “Bauhaus Shirt.” This was yet another music-packed episode, featuring then-new tunes from Stephen Beckner, The Buttonflies, and returning for a second week in a row Tofujitsu. We also have a five-second appearance from Pat McAfee–back in the days before he became a pro-football star and then went on to host a popular sports talk show that platforms the poster child for CTE, Aaron Rogers–and by popular demand we also have the return of vintage beer commercial animation.
Host segments were shot in an undisclosed location in the hills surrounding Charleston. There are reports that this undisclosed location bears an uncanny resemblance to the deck behind the house where Sean and Karen from Tofujitsu lived, but we are sworn to secrecy. Also, it was raining that day.
This episode picks up my major SNAFU from the previous week, where I ran the wrong song by Tofujitsu. This episode really does have “Clap On, Clap Off” in it, and we milked the situation for some humor. Original production notes are here.
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