We’re jumping back six years for the last RFC MINI SHOW before I was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis and cut way back on producing videos.

From January, 2016, this show stars The Dread Crew of Oddwood who sailed into Charleston the previous September, docking at The Empty Glass for an evening of wild, riotous madness with The Renfields. Our cameras were there and we decided to bring you some of this fine piratic debauchery. We first featured this San Diego band way back on episode three of The RFC MINI SHOW, and if you watched all of last week’s RFC Flashback,  you saw the band playing over the end credits.

After this edition of The RFC Flashback, we are going to make a bit of a jump back to late summer, 2009, and pick up with Radio Free Charleston 81. Several years ago I hit a point where I had two missing episodes of the show, so I decided to leapfrog more than forty episodes, many of which still need to be re-uploaded. We’re going to go back to that period next week and fill in the rather large gap.