Radio Free Charleston episode 44, “Social Distortion Shirt” is online now! This episode features music from Lady D and Quick and Dirty, plus footage from the Pandora’s Toy Box custom toy exhibit, which recently closed at the Good News Mountaineer Garage Gallery. Of special interest in this episode is our exclusive apology to the people of West Virginia from the Vice President of these United States.
We shot the host segments for this show at the last night of the Pandora’s Toy Box exhibit, which was put on by MarshHouse and Chip Tantlinger, and it was a blast. This sort of custom toy show is rarely held outside of the major cities, so seeing these one-of-a-kind creations right here in Charleston was a real treat. Thanks to Chip for letting us use them as a backdrop for my blathering. Soon, a “150 Second Art Show” recap of the exhibit will be on display over in the Art Attack blog, here at
Lady D first appeared on RFC back in episode 37, and this week we get to hear another song recorded that same night, “Rock Stone Blues.” This is an autobiographical tune that Lady D wrote about her roots in Cabin Creek. Doris has one of the most amazing voices in the Mountain State, and it’s a real pleasure to hear her sing. Lady D will be at Tamarack on June 19, and in Beckley at The New River Park Youth Museum on June 20. Those shows will be with Lady D’s Wastlandic Paradise labelmates.
Quick And Dirty are one of the coolest new bands to pop up in Charleston for a long time. I first met their guitarist, JB, when he was playing bass in Doctor Senator last year. I later heard him play guitar at an open mic, and was blown away. When he told me he had a new musical project in the works, I made it a point to have the RFC cameras on hand to record their first show. JB, Randy and Jaymes did not disappoint. This tune, “Jack Daniels And Razor Blades” is just one of several killer songs they played in their first set. Since this show, the band has welcomed a second guitarist, and the four-piece line-up will be playing at The Blue Parrot (where we shot this song) on June 30, for the “Free Cigarettes and Whiskey” night, marking the last night for smoking in bars in Kanawha County.
Our animation this week is an apology from Dick Cheney, the Vice President of The United States. Many of you probably remember that a couple of weeks ago the man behind the curtain made a cheap, tired, unoriginal joke at the expense of West Virginia. We decided to respond in kind.
That’s it for the dirt on episode 44. In ONE WEEK RFC will return with episode 45, featuring music from TJ King, and the movie trailer for “The Comic Book Lady,” plus more stuff that we haven’t quite nailed down yet.
Yes, it is bad that foreign interests may buy Anheuser-Busch because of the American beer-tasting jobs displaced. However, the upside is that foreign beer is jam-packed with hallucinogenic drugs, so we can get our drink on an be trippin all at the same time. It’s all about multitasking.
You should submit this show as an example of new West Virginia stereotypes. There’s fantastic music that ISN’T country or bluegrass. You have that wonderful toy show footage, and the cartoon of Vice President Cheney should be seen by every West Virginian.
Lady D is a major talent. I wish we could see her more in Charleston. That new band shows a lot of promise.
Another classic. Why they don’t promote this show is beyond me.
Here you go with another fantastic installment of Radio Free, and more than a week passes before I even notice. Do you people not realize that most web-users use Ad-block? How about a graphic on the main page once in while, or a mention in print?
Loved the Cheney stuff.
I loved the apology from Cheney. The music was really great this time, too. Quick N Dirty has loads of energy. I hope we get to see them again soon. Lady D is another great local talent who doesn’t get enough exposure.
I really like the way you supported the arts scene this time. It’s cool to get to see some of the local galleries and the more innovative shows.
Good show!