We have brand-new episodes of On The Road with Mel and Life Speaks with Michele Zirkle Marcum today on The AIR. Listen at The AIR website or on this convenient embedded radio player…
At 1 PM Mel Larch looks back at the basics that she’s covered on her show, On The Road with Mel. You’ll get a recap of travel tips for driving and riding the rails, along with other highlights of the show so far and a look at what the new year may hold for travelers and for On The Road with Mel.
On The Road with Mel replays Friday at 9:30 AM, Sunday at Noon and Monday at 12:30 PM.
At 1:30 PM on Life Speaks, Michele Zirkle Marcum relates a recent UFO encounter and the mulitude of strange aerial visitations that followed. Are they of an interstellar origin, or do they have ties to the United States Government? Listen to find out what Michele thinks.
You can listen to replays of Life Speaks Wednesday night at 7 PM, Friday at 11 AM, Sunday at 5 PM and Monday at 1 PM.
Check PopCult for more details on the brand-new programming on The AIR.
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