The PopCult Toybox
On February 7, The Classic Plastic Toy and Comic Expo comes to The Parkersburg Art Center, 725 Market Street in Parkersburg. This is a toy and comic show being held to raise money for ARC West Virginia Region disaster relief. This kid-friendly event runs from 10 AM to 6 PM. Admission is a mere five dollars.
Guests include Jeremy Ambler from The Walking Dead, Larry Parmiter of Axeman of Henderson County, Ghostbusters – West Virginia Division, and Black Mountain Guard.
The vendors list include lots of regional comic book stores like Asylum Comics, Super-Fly Comics & Games, Lost Legion Games & Comics, The Vault, ThirdFloor Comicsandcollectibles, Nitro Comics, plus toy stores like Classic Plastics Toy Store, Hillbilly Toy Chest, and several collectors wanting to downsize action figure and comic collections like Aaron Hickman, Jason Powell, Graham Mace, Jacob Mace, Matt Turner. You’ll also get a chance to meet artists and creators like James Patrick from 21 Pulp, Evan Bevins from Support Group (comic), Ren McKinzie, and much more.
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