966_4506aThe PopCulteer
August 25 , 2017

Active peoples in Charleston have a great new resource. After months of hard work and tinkerage, Bill Lynch and the Gazette-Mail technical staff have developed a fantastic new events calendar. You can see it HERE. Using this, you can find a darn-nearly comprehensive list of the many and varied cool things into which you can insert yourself, activity-wise, here in Charleston and the Mountain State.

I’m thrilled to see this because it means I can be less apologetic about not providing a comprehensive list of STUFF TO DO here in PopCult each week. Compiling a calendar like this is a long, arduous and mostly thankless task, and I’m damned glad that I don’t have to do it. I tried with a version of STUFF TO DO for The AIR last year, and discovered that producing a radio show version took two full twelve-hour days each week, and attacted exactly zero listeners.

So now each week, I will be able to highlight one or four cool things happening in town, and include a link to the new Gazette-Mail events calendar and not feel like I’m derelict in my duties. And thanks to Bill and the crew for putting this together. This task should not be as thankless as it tends to be. Great job, folks.

Later on Friday and over the weekend I will be telling you about my stealth trip to Chicago earlier this week and posting more PopCulty types of things. But now, one last time, here’s a quick graphic rundown of just some of the shows and stuff that you can go get into this weekend…



















And that is it for this week’s PopCulteer. Look for more posts about cool stuff later today and all weekend long in PopCult.