Rudy Panucci On Pop Culture

What “Santa” Brought

Four days ago your PopCulteer had a lovely, quiet Christmas with his wife, and no pressures or stress. I got a lot of great gifts, mostly from Mel, and I posted photos on social media.

It seems, however, that people thought I should post them here and elaborate on what they are, So, why not? It’ll give me an easy post while we run out the year.  One little explanation may be necessary here: While Mel got me lots of cool stuff, when it comes to things like the Deluxe Let It Be Boxset, or Paul McCartney’s book of lyrics, I didn’t want to wait, and had those delivered here the day they were released.

I’m impatient that way.

Another note: Mel got me lots of cool little things for my stocking, which are not all in the photos. Some things a guy wants to keep private, you know (most of it was candy).

Here we go…

In this photo we find the Beatles book I wrote about yesterday, a really cool, minature working radio, some acrylic paints and a bizarre Geyper Man (Spanish GI Joe) space alien hero, who looks sort of like Disco Superman. That last one came from Cotswold Collectibles.

How can you go wrong with a tiny television that plays short clips from the 1966 Batman TV Show. This will eventually live in a deluxe GI Joe Adventure Team HQ that I intend to build someday. Below that is this year’s HESS Truck, which is not a truck, but is a cargo plane and a jet. Way cool! I think this may be the tenth year Mel has gotten me the the HESS Truck.

The New Yorker Encyclopedia of Cartoons was an Ollie’s find, and the Hornby HO Scale Train Cars featuring different Beatles’ albums marks the second year in a row that Mel has gotten me cool Hornby Beatles Train stuff. In the back you see a cool diecast Studebaker Golden Hawk.

The custom MEGO calendar was a gift from my friend and frequent PopCult commenter, Thomas Wheeler. The Hot Wheels were in the stocking–and they rock. The Philip Norman book on McCartney was another Ollie’s find, and the HO Scale Coca Cola truck came from Auto World.  Also note the big tube of white paint for mixing and blending.

From Blick Art, Mel snagged this basic set of acrylic paint, so I can inflict it on you in Monday Morning Art in the coming year.

We did a mini-getaway a couple of days before Christmas and I finally found the mysterious Exxon where they sell these Braxton County Monster ceramic lanterns. Turns out it’s not that mysterious. I must’ve driven past that Exxon a hundred times over the years. It’s the one in the Flatwoods Outlet Mall, not far from the Fiestaware store.

And that is what I got for Christmas. I hope you got everything you wanted. Thanks for reading. We’ll be back tomorrow with a short guide to New Year’s Eve events happening in the area, and an accompanying sermon about why you probably shouldn’t go out.

1 Comment

  1. Thomas Wheeler

    Very cool! You had a great Christmas! So glad you like the Mego calendar I made!
    Those paints look useful, too.

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