Rudy Panucci On Pop Culture

Monday Morning Art: Dancing Robots

This week’s art is left over from yesterday. It’s a digital painting of the dancing robots of Boston Dynamics. I wanted to create a feature image for yesterday’s Sunday Evening Video, and I decided to do a screen-grab from one of the videos, and do a digital painting over it, in as close to the style of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec as was possible without taking the time to properly research his style.

Hey, it was a throw-away graphic for a post header. Toulouse-Lautrec painted dancing girls. I figured I’d cop his style a bit and apply it to dancing robots.

However, I did a second, totally-different painting, along the same lines, as a teaser for the post on Instagram, and I really liked it, so I decided to use it for today’s Monday Morning Art, since I hadn’t posted it here.

Waste-not, want not, and less work for me.

If you want to see it a bit bigger, just click on it.

Later today we will be back with Day Six of The 2021 PopCult Gift Guide, and I believe today we are recommending wall decor.

Meanwhile, Monday at 2 PM on The AIR, we bring you a recent episode of  Psychedelic Shack, followed at 3 PM by a recent edition of Herman Linte’s weekly showcase of the Progressive Rock of the past half-century, Prognosis.  You can listen to The AIR at the website, or on the embedded radio player at the top of the right-hand column of this blog.

We gave the Haversham folks another week off because they asked for it and it’s not like we’re paying them or anything. I think the shows from our British correspondents might be roughly bi-weekly for the remainder of the year.

Psychedelic Shack can be heard every Monday at 2 PM, with replays Tuesday at 9 AM, Wednesday at 10 PM, Friday at 1 PM,  and Saturday at 9 AM. Classic episodes can be heard Sunday at 9 AM as part of our Sunday Haversham Recording Institute collection.

You can hear Prognosis on The AIR Monday at 3 PM, with replays Tuesday at 7 AM, Wednesday at 8 PM, Thursday at Noon, and Saturday at 10 AM. You can hear two classic episodes of the show Sunday at 2 PM.

At 8 PM, we bring you eleven hours of The Comedy Vault, just for the heck of it.

1 Comment

  1. Becky Park

    Love it! Becky Park

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