This week I’m going to give you a little insight into my art process.

Sometimes, with a piece intended for a painting of some sort, I’ll start with a tiny colored pencil sketch on a small piece of rag paper from one of the small sketchbooks I keep around. This is where I rough out the composition and color and decide if I want to continue in that direction.

If I like what I came up with, I’ll do a bigger piece on different paper using whichever medium I am comfortable with that day. The smaller studies, many of which turn up as Monday Morning Art, are more detailed and larger, and get filed away to be transferred to canvas someday when I have all the time in the world (this doesn’t happen too often. I think I painted between three and six full-canvases last year, and that was prolific for me).

Today I’m letting you see one of the pieces where I didn’t like what I saw that much. I may revisit the scene from a different angle later, but it just didn’t work for me when I envisioned it as a finished painting. So it went into my ever-growing discard pile, which is where it gets its title.

After looking at it a couple of months later I decided to scan it and blow it up, and I like better.  Blown up, the pencil looks like pastel crayon work, and not being tightened up makes it more abstract than I’d intended. I like it enough to share here this week, if not enough to pursue any further.

Plus I didn’t have anything else done that I could’ve used here. Unless you’re looking on this on a phone with a smaller-than-normal screen, you’re seeing it way bigger than it was originally drawn.

To see it bigger try clicking HERE.

Meanwhile, Monday at 2 PM on The AIR, we have brand-new episodes of  Nigel Pye’s Psychedelic Shack and at 3 PM,  Herman Linte’s Prognosis, and we do not have the playlists for either show because they are promising them to me Monday morning, and I’m writing this Sunday afternoon. So keep your fingers crossed.

However, I’m told that the new Psychedelic Shack sees Nigel Pye’s usual mix of mind-expanding music from throughout the timestream way more tightly focused, as he concentrates on the 1980s Psychedelic revival in the UK.  

Herman Linte tells us that this week’s Prognosis is a special presentation of Rick Wakeman live, recorded just over a year ago, and including new live renditions of both “The Six Wives of Henry VIII” and “The Myths and Legends of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table,” plus a selection of Rick’s arrangements of classics from his days in YES.

You can listen to The AIR at the website, or on the embedded radio player elsewhere on this page.

Psychedelic Shack can be heard every Monday at 2 PM, with replays next week Tuesday at 9 AM, Wednesday at 10 PM, Friday at 1 PM,  and Saturday at 9 AM. You can hear Prognosis on The AIR Monday at 3 PM, with replays next week Tuesday at 7 AM, Wednesday at 8 PM, Thursday at Noon, and Saturday at 10 AM.

At 8 PM you can hear an hour of classic the crazy music of Spike Jones on a recent episode of The Comedy Vault.

Tonight at 9 PM the Monday Marathon presents a night of music recorded live in concert, with local acts like Hybrid Soul, mixed in with artists like Peter Gabriel, Joe Jackson, Sylvester and more, as we offer up a grab-bag of our music specialty programs.