Because your PopCulteer is in the middle of a Myasthenia Gravis flare-up, and was not able to produce any physical art this week, I made the decision to offer up a couple of unrelated digital works, one new, and one of them a variation on and older work of mine.

Above you see “Livewire” a re-working of an old piece I did called “Warpscape” back in 2011. Below you’ll find a digitial painting over a photograph of the old  Kanawha County Courthouse, also known as the place you have to go to pay your property taxes. “Livewire” is purely digital, and the courthouse thing is basically just a digitally-assaulted photograph, like I used to do in the early days of this blog.


You can click them both if, for some strange reason, you want to see them bigger.

Meanwhile, over in radio-land, Monday on The AIR, our Monday Marathon runs from 7 AM to 3 PM, and extends the Sunday night marathon of The Swing Shift with eight more hours of recent episodes of our Swing Music showcase, which you can also hear every Tuesday at 3 PM, with plenty of replays and an additional overnight marathon every Thursday at Midnight. , At 3 PM, we will present an encore of a recent edition of Prognosis, because show’s host, Herman Linte and all our collegues at Haversham Recording Institute are all still tied up providing stringer coverage to international new agencies covering the Brexit mess.

You can listen to The AIR at the website, or on this embedded radio player…