We begin the new year with a quick ‘n’ sloppy pastel drawing on paper for pens, done in a dash with no photographic reference.
In truth, it’s not really any place specific. I just started doodling, and this is what came out. It looks sort of like a view of a city park, seen from a car window, at a time when the trees are bereft of foilage. Hence the title.
Much of reason it looks like a view from a car is probably due to the guardrail I drew there to cover up a major smudge in the artwork. After I did that, I added the light post, utility pole and extra trail. Before all that it was just sort of a nature scene. The joy of working in a sort of expressionistic style is that any mistakes you make look like they were done on purpose, and can actually add to the work.
To see it bigger try clicking HERE.
Meanwhile, Monday on The AIR, All day Monday we are running encores of Radio Free Charleston that will soon be leaving the servers. That runs until 7 AM Tuesday, when things get back to whatever passes for normal on The AIR. PopCult wishes everybody a great new year!
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