Okay, I’ll level with you. This was not the intended topic for this week’s PopCulteer. I had this great idea in my head and sat down Thursday morning to type it into the PC…and that’s when the phone started ringing. It wasn’t a telemarketer this time. I just had one of those days when everyone in the world calls you. Friends, clients, relatives, friends of friends, people who got my number and wanted me to appraise toys over the phone…you name it, and they called today. I even did actually have a few telemarketers make it through, but most of those folks probably got busy signals. I was on the phone so much that my left arm went numb. I was so behind schedule that the post about this weekend’s conventions that was supposed to be published around 2 PM didn’t get finished until eight hours later.
And that’s why I wasn’t able to squeeze my original idea for a PopCulteer out of my head and onto your screens. I’ll keep it in there and try to use it next Friday. I’ve got a tight deadline for a magazine article Friday, so I’m in a bit of a pinch.
In the meantime, as you may have read here yesterday, I just got back from New York City, and I have a few photos I haven’t shared anywhere yet, like the one taken in Times Square seen at the head of this post. So here are six or seven pictures from my trip. Don’t expect anything in the way of order or anything. These are just random things I had on my phone.
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