RFC 107 "FestivAll 2010 part six" from Rudy Panucci on Vimeo.

Above you see the final installment of Radio Free Charleston’s extensive coverage of FestivAll 2010.  Even though our coverage was extensive, we still barely scratched the surface of all the cool stuff that was going on during the time when our city becomes a work of art.

In RFC 107 you will see Option 22, Brian Diller, Bare Bones and The Velvet Gypsies. You’ll also get glimpses of Jude Binder, Kitty Killton and the Musical Easels project with Adrian DeQuiros.

With this episode of the show, which coincidentally goes online roughly on the fourth anniversary of Radio Free Charleston, we have managed to bring you over two hours of footage, shot entirely at FestivAll, in the span of seventeen days.  That’s just better than a new show every three days that we’ve posted.

A special PopCulteer with full production notes for these six episodes will be posted this weekend here in PopCult.  A totally unrelated-to-FestivAll bonus video will be posted here Friday, featuring a new band that will explode on the scene Saturday night.