You should all know by now that your PopCulteer has a warm spot in his heart for Swing Music. Above you will see a really cool BBC4 documentary on the history of Swing, but to be honest, it’s just an excuse to plug something that’s happening starting Sunday night/Monday morning at midnight on The AIR.

I recently hit (and passed) 100 episodes of The Swing Shift, my Swing Music showcase that you can hear Tuesdays at 3 PM on The AIR. In fact, I shot a bit past that, and now have 103 episodes in the can. Starting at midnight Sunday and wrapping up Friday morning at 7 AM, you can hear every single episode of The Swing Shift in a 103-hour marathon.

Not only will this allow you to experience the entire series, but it will also give your PopCulteer a week off from producing other radio programming. I need some time so I can get ahead on this year’s PopCult Gift Guide, which is slated to run during most of November.

So watch the documentary above, and then tune in to The AIR website, or on this embedded radio player to get into the Swing of thing with the best Swing Music from the last century!