I have to be honest with you, this video is just a teaser. I had some technical issues (since resolved) but wasn’t able to start editing the 2023 Kentuckiana GI Joe Toy Expo video footage until this morning.  There will be three more videos from the show coming, but today I was only able to cut together a quick music video, using library tunes from YouTube.

Probably next Sunday I’ll bring you a collection of the raw footage from the vendor’s room, and with luck, before that I’ll have short videos dedicated to custom figures and dioramas.

And I still have more photos for you, as well.

The problem is, we leave for JoeLanta on Wednesday, so time is tight, and you might be getting some Kentuckiana stuff after we get back from JoeLanta and MEGO Meet.

It’s an embarrassment of riches when it comes to toy shows all happening around the same time.

But anyway, today’s video is just a taste of what you can expect in the coming weeks.

Mel and I plan to do a video of this week’s trip, but it’s going to be one video that covers the whole trip, so I don’t bury myself under video projects when I get back.

Meanwhile, here’s a few more Kentuckiana photos.  I will be posting more of these all week long. The life of a PopCulteer is not always an easy one, but it’s never boring. You can find our previous coverage of Kentuckiana 2023 HERE.

Oh, I suppose you have a problem with nudity?

This was really cool, but after buying a Batmoblie, there was no way we had room for it.

Really cool Super Joe Unlimited stuff, more of which I will get at MEGO Meet/PowerCon

The leading cause of whiplash among PopCult bloggers at toy shows…Captain Action stuff.

There was tons of RAH GI Joe stuff, including fleets of vehicles.