Image1With Halloween looming and ShockaCon 5 wrapping up today, we’re going to bring you the Radio Free Charleston Halloween shows from 2012 and 2013, which were shot at the first two ShockaCons. Your PopCulteer is on doctors orders to lay off the video editing, so this year there won’t be an RFC Halloween show, but we will revisit some of our previous Halloween spectaculars from years past all month long.

The shows we’re bringng you tonight are loaded with tons of cool stuff and performances by HarraH, The Nanker Phelge, The Renfields, The Big Bad, Foz Rotton, The Wayward Girls School of Burlesque and more. One year I even interviewed people, which I hardly ever do on RFC. Above you see our show based around the very first ShockaCon, from 2012.  Below it’s a two-parter from 2013.