This week we kick off a Halloween month of The RFC Flashback with Radio Free Charleston episode 29, “Pirate Outfit,” from October, 2007. This was our second Halloween special,
This classic RFC features appropriately scary music from legendary Charleston band Big Money (featuring Michael Lipton) and local rapper Lil Guy from South Park Enterprise. Plus, we have scenes from the Radio Free Charleston 2007 Halloween party at the late, lamented Capitol Roasters Cafe, where we hi-jacked a Whistlepunk show.
Our host segments were taped that night, which was chock full o’ costumed frivolity. On top of that, you’ll find our usual mind-hurting weirdness and animation, with a sinister holiday bent. The party was quite loud, and you can barely hear our host in some segments.
In this episode you will also hear a snippet of Whistlepunk during the end credits. We did hi-jack their show and turn it into the RFC Halloween party, so we couldn’t very well leave them off the show. You’ll hear them doing the song “Lost.”
There’s more than just music on the show. You’ll also get to see a commercial that loudly promises “Shrunken Heads for all occasions!” A lovely Geisha (Kitty Killton) and a Japanese robot (Sean Richardson) introduce our animation, which was created by mystery men. Also, an evil puppet turns Rudy into Jared Leto.
Right at the beginning of the show Raymond Wallace nearly destroys Rudy and RFC camera-person Melanie Larch by delivering a two-word ad lib that we had to try desperately to ignore. A Gladiator and a Ghostbuster walk into a coffee shop. Subtitles take on a life of their own. This episode was remastered in October, 2013. Original production notes can be found HERE.
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