We are going to dig back to almost exactly eleven years ago for a very special episode of Radio Free Charleston from July, 2009. Radio Free Charleston celebrated three years of our video revival with our 75th episode! “Unknown Hinson Shirt.”  Our third-anniversary Rock And Roll Extravaganzawas a pretty ambitious, epic show. This weekend marks 14 years since we brought back RFC in video form, and if it hadn’t been for the pandemic, we would’ve dropped a special anniversary show for the occasion, but since we can’t, we’lll just reflect on past glories.

This landmark edition of RFC featured music by The Pistol Whippers and Unknown Hinson, both legends of honky-tonk psycho-billy stage. We also had a snippet of Princeton’s Option 22 over the end credits.

With this being our third anniversary, we took it upon ourselves to corner a few really cool people with our camera to get them to say nice things about us. Among those who weren’t quick enough to escape are Ann Magnuson, Necrobutcher (and we want to send Necro our best wishes for a full recovery), the late wrestling legend Gypsy Joe and GWAR’s front-man, Oderous Urungus.