Above you find this week’s episode of Radio Free Charleston, which is dedicated to a single artist. “The Snake and the Pot” stars the performing duo of the same name. Amanda Jane and Duane Swanson III have combined their talents into an experimental dance/music/art collective. The results are fascinating.
Last December 20, during ArtWalk, I was invited to an “Interactive Paint & Dance Performance with Live Music and Photography at Apartment Earth Studios.” I was intrigued. I’d featured The Snake and The Pot on one of last year’s FestivAll shows, but I’d been wanting to capture more of this wild experience on RFC. This was an event with dance and music, plus also the art of Nik Botkin and Elizabeth Turner and the photography of Todd Griffith.
So Melanie Larch and I went by and recorded an entire dance piece, where Amanda painted on a canvas on the floor while she danced to music by Duane and a special guest, Jordan Trent, sitting in on bass. It was a very cool performance, almost hypnotic, and I knew it deserved special treatment.
I had the idea to enhance the video with visual effects, and processed two short segments with paint programs to sort of tie the dance to the canvas even more. I also made the decision to present the piece without truncating it any, which meant that it pretty much had to take up an entire episode of RFC.
The music is incredible. To describe it, I’d have to call it “Ambient-progressive-electronic-bellydancing music.” There’s not much like it in town, but it would be cool to hear what would happen in Chuck Biel and Sean Sydnor would ever sit in with The Snake and the Pot.
You can catch The Snake and the Pot regularly at Little India, and check their Facebook page to keep up with their other appearances. We hope to have them back on Radio Free Charleston soon.
If it seems like the introductory segment is a bit choppy, that’s because it is. I recorded that in a single take, but edited out all the parts where snow blew in my mouth. We had to change locations at the last minute because of a little yippy dog that just wouldn’t shut the hell up. Since this a departure show, I didn’t use a title shirt.
Next week RFC will bring you new music from HarraH, a short film from Murfmeef, plus other wonders yet to be determined. Check our Facebook page for more updates.
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