First of all, apologies for taking so long to post these photo essays. Your PopCulteer has been working his way through a large assortment of non-PopCult paying gigs, and something had to go on the back burner. The plan is to post one or two photo essays tomorrow, and maybe some video over the weekend.
Today we’re looking at a big chunk of what I acquired at ToyLanta this year. In a week or two I’ll take a closer look and show you what the figures and playsets look like unboxed, but for now, I’m just running these pics. The truth is, we’ve been back more than two weeks, but I just had time to unpack over the weekend. Things have been hectic around stately Radio Free Charleston Manor since we got back.
My main goal this year was to score a boxed, complete GI Joe Adventure Team Capture Copter. As you can see, that mission was accomplished (Thank you, Steve Stovall). I’ll describe the rest of what you see in the captions, and we’ll take an even closer look later.
A quick reminder: You can scroll down the page, or check the lists of recent posts in our right column (if you’re not reading this on your phone) to see our previous coverage of ToyLanta 2022, and our trip there and back.
A radio note: Tonight at 11 PM on The AIR, The Comedy Vault will present an hour of the songs of Tom Lehrer. It’s a new episode, our eighth in a row!

The Group Shot. Full disclosure: the mini HESS Trucks came from Full Circle Toys in Newnan, Georgia. Everything else came from ToyLanta.

The 2022 and 2021 ToyLanta exclusive figures. Just wait until you see these guys unboxed. Seriously, wait…it’ll be a week or two.

For ten bucks we got the 57 Chevy, and the guy threw in the Ken in the silver tux. Later we picked up a repro Barbie and GI Joe. Joe will get clothes, eventually, but had this been a Buick, we’d have the beginnings of a Naked Pentacostals playset. The Chevy will get a paint job over the summer, and if I remember, I’ll post photos. On the hood of the Chevy you see two 3D-printed teensy Adventure Team vehicles, courtesy of Aaron Luck.

The same guy who sold us the Chevy had this cool Irwin Sports Car. I sorta had to pick it up, too. It’ll be cleaned up, but I probably won’t paint it.

Cool limited edition customs from E.J. White and Stairways Toys (in collaboration with Greg Autore). We’ll be taking a closer look at these, later.

From Brad Curry and Bee Active Toys comes a 1/18th scale 3D-printed version of the classic GI Joe Jeep. Perfectly scaled for RAH-sized action figures. We’ll showcase this for you later, but you might be able to find it now at the Bee Active Toys Etsy store.

So, even though wall space is at a premium here, I’m a sucker for giant reprints of comic book covers. These are two of the six I picked up. You can also see the corner of a Defenders of Bulletman Support Team uniform, courtesy of The Cody Lane Foundation.

Finally, you may have noticed that Mr. and Mrs. PopCulteer are fond of Bender, from Futurama. We found this giant plush of him, and since “Bite My Shiny Plush Ass” doesn’t have quite the same ring as what he normally says, we also picked up a wind-up toy with an appropriately shiny metal ass.
That is most of what we got at ToyLanta. When time permits, I’ll post closer looks and photos of other cool things we picked up on our trip. Plus tomorrow I’ll have photos of the custom figures and vehicles.
VERY nice!