Tuesday brings a hybrid new/archive episode of RFC on The AIR. Radio Free Charleston, is three hours of great local, independent free-form radio. To listen to The AIR, you simply have to point your cursor over and tune in at the website, or you could just stay here, and listen to the cool embedded player found elsewhere on this page.
You can hear Radio Free Charleston Tuesdays at 10 AM and 10 PM, with tons of replays throughout the week.
Our first hour is all-new, with tons of newly-released tracks from Skyflake, William Matheny, Mediogres, Mark Knopfler, David Synn, John Frusciante, Lindsey Sterling, Andy Summers, John Cale and more.
Our second and third hours revive a couple of episodes of Radio Free Charleston Volume 4 from March, 2019. These were back when RFC was mostly-local and just an hour long. These shows are gems that capture a snapshot of the local music scene, and this is the first time they’ve been heard in over five years.
Links in the artist’s names below will take you to a website (where available) where you can find our more about them and maybe buy their music. Check out the playlist.
RFC V5 182
hour one
SkyFlake “Firmament”
William Matheny “I Hardly Ever Think About You”
Mediogres “In The Waste”
Duran Duran “Like An Angel”
The Paranoid Style “The Interrogator”
Unmanned “Aliens”
Mark Knopfler “Song For Sonny Liston”
David Synn “Purple Eclipse”
John Frusciante “Shelf”
Lindsey Sterling “Kintsugi”
Andy Summers “Into the Blue”
The Settlement “Do It For You (live)”
U2 “Atomic City”
John Cale “Davies and Wales”
hour two
Beneath “Asunder”
Todd Tamenend Clark “Birthright Blues”
Of The Dell “Good Time All of the Time”
Bad Keys of the Mountain “Fell To Pieces”
Todd Burge “Comic Book Sleeve”
The Big Bad “Ghoul Girl”
The Jasons “I Don wanna Be A Mongoloid”
The Stars Revolt “All For Show”
Emmalea Deal “Everything I’m Not”
Foz Rotten “FDA”
Bon Air “So Fashy/Distance1”
Hellblinki“Wiff On Me”
Farnsworth “20 Days”
Stark Raven “Always Come Home”
Under The Radar “Love Sunrise”
hour three
Emmalea Deal “Queen”
Todd Burge “Of The Birds” (For Bill Thompson III)
Half Batch “Long Time Traveller”
William Matheny “Living Half To Death”
The Big Bad “Nobody Makes It Out Of Here Alive”
Neostra “Obscurity and Release”
Todd Tamenend Clark “Talons of The Raptor”
Poor Man’s Gravy “Disappoint You”
Beneath “Visage”
Kathy Mattea and Tim “O’Brien “Gentle On My Mind”
Flare Baroshi “Vampire Mafia”
You can hear this episode of Radio Free Charleston Tuesday at 10 AM and 10 PM on The AIR, with replays Wednesday at 9 AM, Thursday at 2 PM, Friday at 9 AM, Saturday at Noon and Midnight, and Monday at 11 AM, exclusively on The AIR. Now you can also hear a different classic episode of RFC every weekday at 5 PM, and we bring you a marathon all night long Saturday night/Sunday morning.
I’m also going to embed a low-fi, mono version of this show right in this post, right here so you can listen on demand.
After RFC, stick around for encores of last week’s episodes of MIRRORBALL at 1 PM and Curtain Call at 2 PM.
At 3 PM we give you an encore of the first two episodes of The Swing Shift. Monday marks eight years of The AIR, and we have a special programming stunt planned to mark that, but this week we wanted to go back to the first first episodes of The Swing Shift, and tomorrow we’ll bring you the first two episodes of Beatles Blast (which was originally a half-hour show), so you can get the feel of our music speciality shows from day one.
You can hear The Swing Shift Tuesday at 3 PM, with replays Wednesday at 8 AM, Friday at 10 AM and 8 PM and Saturday afternoon, only on The AIR . You can also hear all-night marathons, seven hours each, starting at Midnight Thursday and Sunday evenings.
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