PopCult brings you a quick video with some highlights of the cool toys and cool people at The 2024 Marx Toy & Train Show, a great collector’s convetion held every year at the The Kruger Street Toy & Train Museum in Wheeling, West Virginia. This was the 25th Marx Toy & Train Show, and it caps off the 25th anniversary year of Kruger Street. Videography is by Mrs. PopCulteer, Mel Larch. I handled the editing and narration (which was once again ad-libbed, so don’t judge it too harshly).
I didn’t take as many photos as usual this year. The oppressive heat is hard on my Myasthenia Gravis, so I had to take it a tad easier than usual, but I did have a great time and got to see some good friends. Mel shot so much video that next week you can expect a “raw footage” compilation as our Sunday Evening Video.
This week’s video is basically an under 10-minute “home movie” of the event, and includes a snippet of special guest, Jay Horowitz, who told us the story of how he came to own the Marx assets. This is a show that draws people from all over the country each year. Next year’s show at The Kruger Street Toy & Train Museum is already scheduled. As has become tradition, the video ends with the ever-growing crowd gathering for the group photo. This year’s crowd was the largest in some time.
We have a few bonus photos below, and you can see more photos from this year’s show HERE.

I must’ve walked by that vintage Matchbox display a dozen times, and never noticed it until I saw it in Mel’s video.

Vintage Marx trains beckoning your humble blogger to start collecting something else he doesn’t have room for in the house.
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