PopCult brings you a quick video with some highlights of the cool toys and cool people at The 2024 Marx Toy & Train Show, a great collector’s convetion held every year at the The Kruger Street Toy & Train Museum in Wheeling, West Virginia. This was the 25th Marx Toy & Train Show, and it caps off the 25th anniversary year of Kruger Street.  Videography is by Mrs. PopCulteer, Mel Larch. I handled the editing and narration (which was once again ad-libbed, so don’t judge it too harshly).

I didn’t take as many photos as usual this year. The oppressive heat is hard on my Myasthenia Gravis, so I had to take it a tad easier than usual, but I did have a great time and got to see some good friends. Mel shot so much video that next week you can expect a “raw footage” compilation as our Sunday Evening Video.

This week’s video is basically an under 10-minute “home movie” of the event, and includes a snippet of special guest, Jay Horowitz, who told us the story of how he came to own the Marx assets.  This is a show that draws people from all over the country each year.  Next year’s show at The Kruger Street Toy & Train Museum is already scheduled. As has become tradition, the video ends with the ever-growing crowd gathering for the group photo. This year’s crowd was the largest in some time.

We have a few bonus photos below, and you can see more photos from this year’s show HERE.

Treasures as far as the eye could see.

I must’ve walked by that vintage Matchbox display a dozen times, and never noticed it until I saw it in Mel’s video.

Another photo of Mr. Horowitz during his presentation.

Need any playsets?

A little bit of everything in the train room.

Vintage Marx trains beckoning your humble blogger to start collecting something else he doesn’t have room for in the house.

Cool little plastic things. There was a lot of that here.

Build a Boone workshop.

Jay Horowitz and James Wozniak, and part of Tom Heaton.

I’m thinking about doing a Hopper-style painting of this scene.

More of those siren-like trains trying to get me to beach myself on the jagged rocks of a new collection.

It’s fun to mix up these three playsets, just to mess with reality.

A couple of Lone Ranger horses and a Stevo’s Toy set that I forgot to go back and ask the price of.

We leave you with a shot of the trains entering the station.