Tuesday is still “New Show Day” on The AIR.  As such, we have a new episode of  Radio Free Charleston for you. To listen to The AIR, you simply have to point your cursor over and tune in at the website, or you could just stay here, and  listen to the cool embedded player found elsewhere on this page.  

You can hear Radio Free Charleston Tuesdays at 10 AM and 10 PM, with boatloads of replays throughout the week.

This week’s Radio Free Charleston has more than an hour of new music, plus a ten-year-old local concert and a vintage episode of RFC Volume Four from 2017.

A little more than our first hour is our usual collection of cool local, independent and brand-new music. We open with brand new music from Ginger Wixx, who made her RFC debut just last week and has been lighting up the local music scene for a couple of years. Her debut EP hit all the major streaming services a couple of weeks ago. We also have brand-new music from Buni Muni, St. Vincent, John Bunkley, Oliver Wakeman, The Anchoress and more. Plus we have a few tunes from the recently-released “Live on Mountain Stage Outlaws & Outliers” collection.

Our second hour, after a timely song dedication from The Settlement, is live music from Farnsworth, who have been threatening to unleash new music with cryptic posts on their social media for a few years now. Our third hour is a time capsule of local music circa 2017.

The links in the playlist will take you to the pages where you can learn more about each artist and buy their music or find out where to see them (where available)…

RFC V5 177

hour one
Ginger Wixx “The Girl and The Bear”
Buni Muni “Caitlin Clark”
St. Vincent “Slow Disco”
Novelty Island “Thinkin’ Things/ Road Signs”
Massing “Do The Right Thing (Rejuiced)”
John Bunkley “Dirt In My Hair”
Rasta Rafiki “Calypso Too”
Nixon Black “The Beautiful Ones”
Nektar “Marvelous Moses”
Novo Comb “Don’t Do That”
The Anchoress “Wicked Game”
Oliver Wakeman “The View From Here”
Wilco “Space Oddity”
Tyler Childers “Going Home”
Sierra Ferrell “I’d Do It Again”

hour two
The Settlement “Snake Farm”

Farnsworth Live
“20 Days”
“Already Written”
“The Timber Bears His Name”
“Roll Me Up”
“For You”
“No Friend To Man”
“Call On My Phone”
“Cinnamon Girl”
“Let’s Play Nice”
“Everything Must Go”

hour three
Red Audio “Money Tree”
The Company Stores “Homesick”
Sheldon Vance “Say What I Want To Say”
Ona “I Will Wait”
Farnsworth “Already Written”
Pale Nova “Nothing Is Easy”
Payback’s a Bitch “Whoa Nelly”
Kerry Hughes “My Brain is Next On The Chopping Block”
Speedsuit “Handful of Pills”
Radarhill and Nick Weckman “Trading Scarabs for Oil”
Crazy Jane “Ride”
Jack Grifftith “The Way She Moves”
Out of Nowhere “Take It Back”

You can hear this episode of Radio Free Charleston Tuesday at 10 AM and 10 PM on The AIR, with replays Wednesday at 9 AM,  Thursday at 2 PM, Friday at 9 AM, Saturday at Noon and Midnight,  and  Monday at 11 AM, exclusively on The AIR. Now you can also hear a different classic episode of RFC every weekday at 5 PM, and we bring you a marathon all night long Saturday night/Sunday morning.

I’m also going to  embed a low-fi, mono version of this show right in this post, right here so you can listen on demand.


After RFC, stick around for encores of last week’s episodes of  MIRRORBALL at 1 PM and Curtain Call at 2 PM.

At 3 PM we offer up a  couple of recent episodes of The Swing Shift, which will return with more new episodes soon.

 You can hear The Swing Shift Tuesday at 3 PM, with replays Wednesday at 8 AM, Friday at 10 AM and 8 PM and Saturday afternoon, only on The AIR . You can also hear all-night marathons, seven hours each, starting at Midnight Thursday and Sunday evenings.