Rudy Panucci On Pop Culture

Second Batch of WonderFest Photos: The Vendors

img_0148As I mentioned earlier, we will be posting shorter and more numerous photo essays of our trip this weekend to WonderFest USA at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Louisville. And also, as I mentioned earlier, your PopCulteer is working with his fifty dollar pawn shop laptop, so these pictures are fairly raw and will be captionless.

One of the biggest attractions to WonderFest is the collection of vendors selling model kits, modeling supplies, magazines, comic books, t-shirts, toys and other bits of related coolness. This post is a completely random assortment of images plucked from the camera card.

This is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of all the cool stuff that can suck the money right out of your wallet at WonderFest. We will cover some of the vendors in more detail later in the week, like the guy in the first photo who was giving away really cool resin figurines absolutely free. Your PopCulteer only took three because he didn’t want to be greedy.

You can see the first mini-photo essay from WonderFest HERE. We’re gonna be posting a whole heck of a lot of these in PopCult over the next few days, so get used to it.














1 Comment

  1. Thomas Wheeler

    This looks like it was a lot of fun!

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