Above you see a music video showcasing the sights of Kentuckiana’s GI Joe Winterfest, which took place January 28 in Louisville, Kentucky. You can find my photo essays devoted to the show HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE and a look at Super Joe Unlimited HERE.
We had a great time, and it was a wonderful toy show. I turned Mrs. PopCulteer, Mel Larch, loose with the video camera, and for reasons I can’t quite explain, I decided to edit what she shot to Franz Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsody No 2.
That required mixing in some of my still photography, and using a couple of Mel’s shots twice due to the length of the music, but I think the end result is a nice little look back at a very fun toy show.
I hope you folks get a kick out of it. Your PopCulteer’s video editing chops are a bit rusty. Maybe we’ll have to do something about that in the coming months.
Thatsa nice-a video
That looks like it was a VERY fun show! 🙂