This week I’m back to using the trusty Blackwing Palomino pencil and attempting to draw the female form.

With the nasty heat affecting me over the last couple of weeks, this took several short drawing sessions to complete. I took the pose from an online model page, changed it around a bit and tried to draw an original face and hair on the figure.

Inadvertantly, I think I drew Kate Bush’s face. Had I been trying to do that, I doubt I would’ve gotten this close.

Anyway, this is pencil on regular copy paper. I was using a plastic clipboard to hold it, and with my afflicted fingers, this changed the amount of pressure I could apply. So it’s not really my normal style. I did a lot of erasing to get the white areas on her arms. The only post-scanning changes were to white-balance it to make the scan look more like the original drawing and cropping out my sloppy borders. As with much of my physical art of late, this is just me trying to get my fingers working again.

To see it bigger try clicking HERE.

Instead of telling you about our sister internet radio station, The AIR, in this space like I normally do, I will simply let you know that today is a very big day for The AIR, and I will tell you all about that in a PopCult post that will go live sometime after this post on Monday morning.