Rudy Panucci On Pop Culture

Month: June 2021 (Page 3 of 4)

Stuff To Do For A Late Spring Weekend

The PopCulteer
June 11, 2021

I have to admit, it’s nice to be able to tell people about cool stuff to do in and around Charleston again.

This weekend we have wrestling, Record Store Day and live music.

Your PopCulteer is otherwise occupied with other assignments (AKA “paying work”), but I do plan to make it out to Record Store Day at Budget.

The IWA East Coast shows start tonight, and online ticket sales have ended, so you can’t get the package deal for all three shows. There will be a limited number of tickets available at the door.

You should know the drill by now. These are very cool events happening in or around Charleston this weekend. If you are fully vaccinated and ready to do your best to stay safe, you should go check this stuff out. Outdoor shows are okay for reasonable and vaccinated people to go maskless. Indoor shows leave you at the mercy of your fellow patrons, and be honest…you don’t know where they’ve been. So use your common sense and stay safe.

The WonderFest photo essays will continue over the weekend, as will our regular features. Here’s our graphic guide to some cool stuff happening this weekend…


Record Store Day

Live Music


That is this week’s PopCulteer. Check back for our regular features and continued WonderFest coverage.

WonderFest 2021: Heroes

…and maybe a couple of villains. We are back at it with the entries in the model contest at last weekend’s WonderFest.

In this photo essay we’re going to look at the figural models of Superheroes, with a few movie and videogame heroes and maybe a villain or two thrown in for good measure. There were many more models than what I’m showing you here, but as I mention, camera woes and wonky hands rendered many of the pictures unusable.

Apologies again for the blurriness of some of the pictures. Think of it as my way of raising awareness during Myasthenia Gravis month.

Some of these are simply made using commercially-available kits, while others are scratch-built and a few seem to be 3D-printed, scale up versions of classic model kits. Not being sure of which is which, I will keep my mouth shut about that. They all looked stunning.

Batman and his extended family and rogue’s gallery were very well-represented, but there was plenty of diversity among the ranks of the heroes. We even have some cute heroes wrapping up this batch of photos.

As with yesterday’s photo essay, captions may be sparse. Scroll down and enjoy!

You would’ve gotten used to seeing this guy. Batman, that is. Not so much the rich guy in the background.

A spectacular model by someone who didn’t get the memo about Batman never touching a gun.

Captain America, with spare parts.

Wolverine, back when he was hanging out with Jose Canseco.

Catwoman almost made it into the “Cheesecake models” photo essay.

A life-sized Green Goblin head. Really impressive.

The Hellboy, you say!

Seven of Nine was in with the fantasy figures, but I felt she deserved to be included as a hero.

I think this character is a hero, or hero-ish.

The Cute Heroes…

These guys seemed out of place amid the monster models.

Rumor has it that Baby Groot has become bitter of the success of Baby Yoda, and has been drinking the wood alcohol.

Our last photo today, because everybody runs photos of The Child.

That is our quick look at the Hero Models at WonderFest. Check back later for part one of our look at The Monsters!

WonderFest 2021: The Vehicles

Here’s the first part of our look at the awesome model contest at WonderFest, which took place last weekend in Louisville.

I need to make a confession first. I had a camera disaster of sorts right before I took these photos. I fired up my trusty Canon, and the battery warning flashed on, right before it went dead. I found an unadorned table in the room and put in fresh batteries, and…I got the warning again. My 13-year-old camera seemed to have finally given up the ghost.

It wasn’t a complete disaster because I still had my phone. The only problem with that is, my phone weighs nearly nothing. It has no heft to it. And I have Myasthenia Gravis, and when I get tired or hot, my hands get really shaky.  About half of the photos I took are unusable, and as a result, some of the best models won’t be shown here. It sucks, but I’m doing the best I can.  Apologies in advance for any blurriness you might encounter over the next few days.

Also, the model room was packed with people who have no sense of photographer ettiquette. If you take more than two seconds to snap a photo, somebody will walk in front of your camera. There was one young lady there with a bright green shirt who apparently thought she was the only person in the room taking pictures. I got about two dozen shots of her hands, elbow or camera.

After shooting about 500 photos in the model room. I went out to the hotel hallway and found a comfy chair to rest and wait for Mrs. PopCulteer to show up after she was waiting in line to get some stuff signed by Greg Nicotero. While there, I was able to fiddle with the Canon and get it working again. However, the model room had become a bit like The Black Hole of Calcutta, and yours truly was pretty well spent. At this point my hat was 70% water.

And I hadn’t made my “buy stuff” run in the dealer’s rooms yet, so I didn’t go back in to fight the teeming masses in the model room again.

Even with that, I have several dozen cool images to share with you in the coming days. First up, we have vehicles. This is everything from spacecraft to rockets to The Dude’s car from The Big Lebowski.

Captions will be sparse because I’d rather be silent than stupid.

We’ll start with this cool mini-diorama of an aircraft in front of a cool zoomy sky. It would look more impressive if I’d had my camera with a flash.


A table filled with amazing spacecraft models. You’ll see a few more pics like this.

Ya gotta love a Saturn V.

Go ahead and hum the “Imperial Death March.” You know you’re hearing it in your head.

Wired for lights.

This model was huge, and looked really cool. I wish I could remember what the hell it is. Somebody want to help me out in the comments?

Here it is from another angle, with the Millenium Falcon and other stuff.

A build-up of a vintage Aurora Moon Bus kit, from 2001: A Space Oddyssey.

Interesting kitbashes.

I had to include at least one shot that features a Constitution Class Starship.

Amid the spaceships, you’d find the occasional TV-inspired car.

And a few movie-inspired cars, too. I wonder if the Dude’s car included the homework in the backseat?

That wraps up our look at the vehicle models of WonderFest. Later this week we’ll bring you glimpses of monsters, heros, dioramas and maybe even some cheesecake.

WonderFest 2021 Recap Part One

Your PopCulteer has returned from WonderFest USA in Louisville, and it was a surreal blast going to a convention again for the first time since the onset of the pandemic. We had tons of fun, got completely exhausted and spent too much money on cool stuff.

I’ll be posting photos of my convention swag on Friday, but today we’re just going to get our toes wet with the first part of our convention recap.

While I had been thinking of going to WonderFest this year, the primary motivating factor was when Mrs. PopCulteer, Mel Larch, discovered that Greg Nicotero (seen above), the executive producer of The Walking Dead, was going to attend and speak about his other TV series, Creepshow. The first time we ever went to WonderFest was because Nicotero was talking, and it was fun to go hear him again.

Thanks to a fortunate coincidence in the dealer’s room, Mel’s first non-family, post-pandemic hug was with Greg Nicotero.

My first non-family, post-pandemic hug was with Steve Stovall, the organizer of the Kentuckiana GI Joe Toy Expo, which I’ll be telling you about next month.

Hugs aside, because we were there well before the doors to the model contest room opened at noon, we headed upstairs to grab a good seat for Greg’s panel with Frank Dietz, where they showed an episode of Creepshow that Frank had written, starring The Walking Dead’s “Eugene,” Josh McDermott.

We got there more than an hour before the Creepshow panel, which meant that we witnessed the whole panel prior. Happily, that panel featured Rick Sternbach, a legendary science fiction artist who has designed most of the Star Trek universe spacecraft and vehicles since Star Trek: The Motion Picture, in 1978. It was a real treat to hear him talk about growing up and geeking out on Classics Illustrated science fiction adaptations and The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits, plus so many classic science ficion novels and magazines.

He also spoke at length about the design process for Star Trek, and touched on how they fabricated the miniatures. He was also on the team that restored the original 11-foot model of the U.S.S. Enterprise for The Smithsonian, and he spoke about that. His talk was accomanied by a particuarly cool Power Point presentation.

After those two panels, the model contest room was open, and I will bring you photos from that mind-blowing experience Wednesday and Thursday. I didn’t take many photos in the dealer’s rooms, but you will see those below. I’ll save my camera horror story for tomorrow, too. Today you’ll get a brief look at the dealer’s room.

One whole wing of the big dealer’s room was devoted to Lost In Space. Judy Robinson herself, Marta Kristen was on hand, meeting fans and signing autographs, and there was plenty to see. Much of the wardrobe from the show was on display, but yours truly managed not to get a usable photo. There was a table full of ultra-rare merchandise, a recreation of the control panels from the bridge of The Jupiter 2, and, much to my surprise, four-and-a-half full-sized Robot B9s.

It was B9 heaven. All told, there were four and a half life-sized Robot B9s in the room, and as you can see at the top of this post, Bender, from Futurama, was on hand to hang out with his drinking buddies.

Yours truly, pretending to be on the bridge of the Jupiter 2.

And here’s a large and very impressive scratch-built Jupiter 2. Speak of the devil!

As a kid, I lusted after every toy on this table.

At the direction of Mr. Nicotero, I had to get photos of this one dealer, selling models of his own design. Many of these turned up in the contest.

In the other dealer’s room a fella had a massive display of fantasy Marx-style Playset boxes for which he had compiled and created accompanying sets.

And today we leave you with this amazing and gigantic model of The Cyclops from the Ray Harryhausen classic, “The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad.” This was several times larger than Harryhausen’s actual animation model.

Tomorrow we will bring you our first batch of photos from the model room.


Radio Interference

As you may know, PopCult has a sister internet radio station, The AIR. You can find it at its own website, or listen to it on the handy-dandy embedded player that you can find at the top right column of this blog.

Normally we do our best to bring you several new programs each week. However, this week the nice Eastern European folks who play host to The AIR have informed us that they will be doing routine server maintainance for the next week, and that might result in intermittent outages, lasting from five or ten seconds to five or ten minutes.  Because I don’t want to get anybody all excited about our new shows and have them tune in, only to have the station go to dead air, we will be running encores of our recent programs all week, and plan to return with bright, shiny new stuff next Monday.

Now, it has been scientifically determined that all of our encore programs are at least 150% cooler than any other radio programming on the planet, so even our reruns are worth giving a listen. You are still free to tune in at will, just be warned that it might go out once in a while. For that we apologize in advance.

In the meantime, starting tomorrow, PopCult will be filled with photo essays of the model-building contest entrants for the next few days, so keep checking back for cool stuff.

Monday Morning Art: TANK

Above you see a quick and sloppy pencil sketch of a tank. Actually, it’s based on one of the photos I took on Memorial Day Weekend to send to my buddy, Dave Mattson, for his website, but this is me, sitting in front of the computer, trying to draw from the photograph, armed only with my trusty Blackwing Palamino. It’s rough and sketchy because Summer hates Myasthenia Gravis, and that’s the best I could muster at this time. Had a few hours of major hand cramps after this one, so there was no tightening up the finished product.

It’s drawn on cheap sketchbook paper, scanned and cropped, for your pleasure.

Click the image to see it bigger.

Meanwhile, I will post info about today’s programming on The AIR later Monday morning. You can listen to The AIR at the website, or on the embedded radio player at the top of the right-hand column of this blog.

Sunday Evening Video: WonderFest 2015

Since your PopCulteer is returning from WonderFest 2021 this evening, I thought it’d be cool to show you a video of my first trip to the cool Horror/Science Fiction/Model Builders convention, some six years ago.

As I write this, I haven’t decided if I’m going to shoot any video this year. If I do, you’ll see it in PopCult in the coming days. Either way, you can expect tons of photos from the event to show up in this here blog.

This video is set to the music of The Possum Kingdom Ramblers, our buddies from down ToyLanta way.

The RFC Flashback: MINI SHOW number 58

This week we venture back to May, 2015 for an episode of The RFC MINI SHOW that pushed the envelope a bit. While our music was a slice of genuine Appalachian Americana Blues from, the real star of the show was Pepper Fandango and Kitty Killton, who should be familiar to fans of PopCult’s Monday Morning Art.

Recorded the day before Valentine’s Day 2015, this edition of The RFC MINI SHOW may not be safe for work, but it sure is easy on the eyes. performs two songs: One, a cover of “You Can Leave Your Hat On,” the other an original song, “Drink To Your Breasts.”

Joining for these performances are Pepper Fandango and Kitty Killton of Wayward BurlyQ. Pepper dances solo for “Hat,” while the two bring the second song to life with a spirited dance duet. As I said at the time, “These are burlesque performances, so steer clear if you’re easily offended. There is no nudity, but there’s lots of damn-near nudity, so proceed at your own risk.”

This is a fun show, but it reminds me how much I miss Charleston’s currently-dormant burlesque scene. Maybe once this pandemic is over, lovely people will get back to ripping their clothes off to dance in public again.

Disco by Numbers and New Wave in Alphabetical Order

The PopCulteer
June 4, 2021

Friday brings two gimmicky new episodes of MIRRORBALL and Sydney’s Big Electric Cat to The AIR. The AIR is PopCult’s sister radio station. You can hear these shows on The AIR website, or just click on the embedded player at the top right column of this blog.

Today’s episodes of our AIR Music Specialty programs are both gimmicks. Sydney’s Big Electric Cat presents 26 New Wave acts, each representing a letter of the alphabet. Having heard Sydney’s show (Mel’s a big fan of Sydney’s), Mel Larch decided to offer up an hour of Disco tunes which all have some numerical connection, either in the song title, artist, or lyrics. Sydney’s show was done first, but Mel’s show airs first, so here’s what you can groove to when you tune in to MIRRORBALL at 2 PM (EDT)…


Eruption “One Way Ticket”
5,000 Volts “I’m On Fire”
The Three Degrees “The Runner”
Biddu Orchestra “Summer of ’42”
First Choice “Armed and Extremely Dangerous”
Andrea True Connection “What’s Your Name, What’s Your Number”
Stars On 45 “If You Could Read My Mind”
Walter Murphy “A Fifth of Beethoven”
Inner Life “I’m Caught Up In a One Night Love Affair”
Undisputed Truth “You + Me = Love”
Skyy “First Time Around”
Village People “Ready For The ’80s”
Jimmy Bo Horne “Spank 1980”

You can hear MIRRORBALL every Friday at 2 PM,  with replays Sunday at 11 PM, Monday at 9 AM, Tuesday at 1 PM and Wednesday at 7 PM, exclusively on The AIR.

At 3 PM, Sydney Fileen graces us with a special mixtape episode of Sydney’s Big Electric Cat based on what she calls a “silly idea” from Nigle Pye, the host of Psychedelic Shack.  In a two-hour mixtape show, Sydney presents 26 New Wave artists, each one with a name starting with a different letter of the alphabet. Since she didn’t have room to back-announce every song, she has asked me to include the playlist here so you can see who’s playing what…

BEC 073

Animotion “Obsession”
Big Country “In A Big Country”
The Cure “Boys Don’t Cry”
Depeche Mode “People Are People”
Echo and the Bunnymen “In Bluer Skies”
Frankie Goes To Hollywood “Two Tribes”
Gang of Four “He’d Send In The Army”
Heaven 17 “Let’s All Make A Bomb”
INXS “Need You Tonight”
Joe Jackson “Is She Really Going Out With Him”
Kraftwerk “The Model”
Lene Lovich “New Toy”
M “Official Secrets”
New Musik “Dead Fish Don’t Swim Home”
Oingo Boingo “Grey Matter”
Polyrock “Call of the Wild”
Quincy “Critic’s Choice”
Rubber Rodeo “City of God”
Siouxsie and the Banshees “Dazzle (12″ mix)”
Talk Talk “Tomorrow Started”
Ultravox “Astradyne”
Vanity Fair “A Kiss For Every Tear”
Wall of Voodoo “Mexican Radio”
XTC “Melt The Guns”
Yello “I Love You”
The Zeros “Don’t Push Me Around”

Sydney’s Big Electric Cat is produced at Haversham Recording Institute in London, and can be heard every Friday at 3 PM, with replays Monday at 7 AM, Tuesday at 8 PM, Wednesday at Noon and Thursday at 10 AM, exclusively on The AIR.

That’s what’s on The AIR Friday, and that is this week’s PopCulteer. Check back for fresh content every single freakin’ day.

Four Days of Stuff To Do

You should know the drill by now. Here are a few cool events happening in or around Charleston this weekend. If you are fully vaccinated and ready to do your best to stay safe, you should go check this stuff out. Outdoor shows are okay for reasonable and vaccinated people to go maskless. Indoor shows leave you at the mercy of your fellow patrons, and be honest…you don’t know where they’ve been. So use your common sense and stay safe.

Here’s a mix of outdoor and indoor events that start Thursday and wrap up Sunday.


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